

发布时间:2015年6月3日 武汉海事海商律师  
  arbitration agreement in case of collision
  [ ]年[ ]月[ ]日
  date: [ ]
  [ ]代表[ ]号船舶(船旗国:[ ]船籍港:[ ])(地址:[ ] 电话:[ ],电传:[ ]传真:[ ],邮政编码:[ ])
  [ ]代表[ ]号船舶(船旗国:[ ]船籍港:[ ])(地址:[ ] 电话:[ ],电传:[ ]传真:[ ],邮政编码:[ ])
  或者[ ]代表[ ]的财产所有人(地址:[ ] 电话:[ ],电传:[ ]传真:[ ])
  it is hereby agreed between [ ] as accredited representative (address: [ ], tel: [ ], telex: [ ], fax: [ ], postal code: [ ]) of m.v. (flag: [ ], port of registry: [ ])
  and [ ] as accredited representative (address: [ ], tel: [ ], telex: [ ], fax: [ ], postal code: [ ]) of m.v. (flag: [ ], port of registry: [ ]);
  or [ ] as accredited representative (address: [ ], tel: [ ], telex: [ ], fax: [ ], postal code: [ ]) of the owners of the property, as follows:
  第一条 双方当事人同意将[ ]号船舶于[ ]年[ ]月[ ]日[ ]时(格林尼治平时或北京时间)在[ ]地方发生碰撞而产生的一切争议,包括当事人应负的责任和有关赔偿损失的金额,提交中国海事仲裁委员会解决。
  1. the parties agree to refer to china maritime arbitration commission for settlement of all disputes arising between the parties hereto in connection with the collision between m.v. [ ] and m.v. [ ] on the date of [ ] at [ ] hours (greenwich mean time or beijing time), at [ ] with regard to the said collision including the eventual liability of each party and the amount of damages to be paid.
  第二条 为请求赔偿的损失进行财产保全,双方同意由[ ]于[ ]年[ ]月[ ]日前向[ ]提交[ ]保证金或担保;由[ ]于[ ]年[ ]月[ ]日前向[ ]提交[ ]保证金或担保。
  2. in order to secure the damages claimed, the parties agree that cash deposit or guarantee shall be provided by [ ] (full names of vessel owners) to [ ] before [ ], (full name(s) of vessel or property owners), and cash deposit or guarantee shall be provided by [ ] to [ ] (full name(s) of vessel or property owners) (full names of vessel owners) before [ ].

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