

发布时间:2017年7月7日 武汉海事海商律师  
  any decision of the classification society with respect to the technical matters of any dispute shall be final and binding.
  article four
  sea trial
  the seller shall give 15/10 days estimate notice and 7/5/3/ days definete notice to the buyer and classfication societty before sea trial, the sea trials shall start when the vessel is completed and suitable for the purpose of the sea-trials according to the specifications.
  the seller shall notify the buyer and the classification society as soon as possible but at least 30 days notice in advance and in any event give at 7 working days confirming prior notice by writing of the time and place of the trial run of the vessel, and the buyer shall have its representatives on board. the seller should arrange for the classification society's representative(s) as class surveyor,to attend on board the vessel to witness such trial run.
  failure in attendance of the buyer's representative(s) at the trial run of the vessel for any reason whatsoever after due notice to the buyer as above provided shall be deemed to be a waiver by the buyer of its right to have its representative(s). and the seller may conduct the trial run without attendance of the buyer's representative(s), and in such case the buyer shall be obligated to accept the vessel on the basis of a certificate of the seller and the classification society representatives that the vessel, upon trial run, is found to conform to this contract and the specifications and plans, if such is found to be the case.
  weather condition
  any delay of trial run caused by bad weather condition shall operate to postpone the final delivery date by the period of delay involved and such delay shall be deemed as a permissible delay. the seller should within the same day as the commencements of such delay advise the buyer by written notice of all details concerning the delaying weather conditions, together with a certificates issured by relevant local authority proving the same.

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